Thursday, February 13, 2014

Google Street View Philippines - Launch

Google Philippines has just launched Street View! I am thrilled that this project is finally happening. Anyone from any part of the world can now view the streets of the Philippines, starting in Manila - and even underwater in the Apo Islands. Its a wonderful way to document our, past and present and future urban environments. I'm sure we will appreciate seeing how our streets will evolve over the years.

When I look at old photographs of Pre-war or colonial Manila - I just melt at all the beautiful street scenes of people, buildings going about their daily lives, not knowing of what awaits the future of their city. When I walk along the old calles and avenues of Manila today, it's hard to picture that these very places were dignified streets. Many of these same streets have turned into crime-ridden, destitute, forsaken places. There is hope and I'm sure in time we will be able to recapture glorious moments and create our own history with the help of Google Street View.